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Wire wrapped crystal jewelry and accessories is another art you’ll find at MoonchildsObsession! Wearing crystals is a quick and easy way to harness its magical energy!


This is one of my Lotus wrap designs on a polished teardrop shaped Peach Moonstone!


You will receive this exact necklace! Already adopted? Send me a message to start your own custom order!


Peach Moonstone

This baby has divine feminine energies just like all other Moonstone minerals, but instead has an extra special connection between your heart and solar plexus which is your chakra of personal will power! This baby will offer you protective energies over your creative works and your sensitive heart while you interact with others. Peach Moonstone does inner work, bringing love into your core and helps to reignite your passion for the things that make you happiest! This stone is for you if you constantly have a cluttered mind as well as overwhelming anxiety due to scattered unresolved emotions. With this unstableness, our connection with our inner spirits begins to dissipate, but with the help of this soft stone we can restrengthen our connection! Working with this baby will have you covered in self-loving vibrations! You will feel yourself and stay feeling confident! This baby will give you the boost your need while soothing those unwelcoming emotions and always filling your heart, mind, and body with love!



Motivation, Power, Healing, Trust, Nurturing, Emotions, Intuition, Joy

Star Sign:

Cancer, Scorpio, Libra






Heart, Third-eye, Crown, Solar Plexus


Peach Moonstone Lotus Copper Necklace

$65.55 Regular Price
$62.27Sale Price
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